History of B Movement in
Latin America and the world

Movement B

In Latin America, and the rest of the world, thousands of us recognize each other as part of a movement born from a spontaneous shared belief and quest: a new economic “genetics” that allows values and ethics to inspire collective solutions, without neglecting individual needs, helping us find transcendance, meaning and purpose.

What is the point of an economy that grows financially but because of its very nature generates rising inequality, drains our planet’s natural resources, deepens individualism and excludes thousands of people?

Sistema B’s proposal points to an economy that can create value for the world and the planet, promoting ways of economic organization that can be measured from the well-being of people, societies and the Earth simultaneously, and taking into consideration the short and long term.
Since its creation, in April 2012, there are now 10 national Sistemas B, one International Sistema B, 7 B Local Communities, and a community of over 500 B Corps in the region.

These companies, that together account for 5 billion dollars in annual revenues, are the clear example that it is possible to crystalize this vision in the business world, from the agreement of their stakeholders, bringing forward legislative projects to create new commercial societies, introducing these new business options to university education, and lead the conversation in parks and music festivals to engage and involve hundreds of thousands of people.

Our values


Differences between B Lab and Sistema B


About B Lab: B Lab is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities and the planet. As a leader in the change of economic systems, this global network creates standards, policies and tools for businesses, and certifies companies, known as B Corps, who then lead the way.

Find more information at BInterdependent.org.
Sistema B comes to Latin America brought by Juan Pablo Larenas, Gonzalo Muñoz, María Emilia Correa and Pedro Tarak, who partnered with BLab to expand the B Movement with a systemic vision. For more information go to sistemab.org/en/team/