Impact Measurement

Programs for companies

Why measure and
manage the triple impact?

Sistema B invites companies to connect with their organizational purpose, to take a high sense of responsibility and transparency with society and the environment, understanding that companies must play a key role in the construction of our society. This vision and way of conceiving companies, results not only in a positive impact for the world, but also in a strategic proposal in the medium term. Behaving like a B-Company is good business, and it has been proven: B-Companies are more resilient in times of economic crisis (link), have a higher level of talent attraction and retention (link) and, above all, are being recognized by governments (link) and financial markets (link), which suggests that this vision is moving rapidly from being just an option to becoming a requirement for the operation of any company.

Measure the Impact:

In a personalized way

Program designed for large companies that seek to measure their positive impact based on the highest international standards provided by Impact Assessment B. Thus, it seeks to incorporate triple impact management into the company’s organizational strategy, to give a first step to implementation in the short, medium and long term.

If you want to opt for the Company B certification, stages of eligibility analysis and definition of the processes that the company must follow to achieve this objective are included. The program does not guarantee achieving certification, and will depend on the performance of the company in measuring and complying with the respective process.
Program available for companies that want to measure the positive impact of their value chain, considering their suppliers and clients in the management of said impact through Impact Assessment B.

The program does not aim at the certification of network companies. If there is interest, contact the local System B team in the country.


Program available for small and medium-sized companies that seek to measure their positive impact and establish improvement plans in the short and medium term.

The program considers a general explanation about the certification process aimed at participating companies interested in opting for this certification path as Company B.

Revisa los programas disponibles según tu país.

Training programs
for people

Sistema B in the region has different training programs for people. Depending on the country, the offer includes general training programs on Movement B and Companies B; to training oriented to the development of skills and knowledge to accompany companies in the measurement process with Impact Assessment B.

More than 3,000 people have already gone through some of our training programs in Latin America.

Featured programs:

Program that empowers people who want to be agents of change in their companies, train their influence networks to find their purpose, and in general have an expanded view of the movement that leads System B and value proposition.
Program that empowers people who have prior knowledge in consulting or are dedicated to it. Specialization in content related to impact measurement in organizations and identification of impact business models.

Contact your local System B to find out
available programs